heyhey racers,
This page includes our archive of patch notes for Stampede: Racing Royale. Check back here for a history of the game’s updates and changes, and see our Trello board for the status of hot topics. Experiencing something else that you want us to look at? Contact support@stampederacingroyale.com with full information, and our team will aim to assist. Thank you!
Steam and Xbox Game Preview Patch – January 23, 2025
This patch for Stampede: Racing Royale includes the addition of Star Chips as an earnable reward for participating in Special Events. Each time a player completes a Special Event, they’ll receive 15 Star Chips. You won’t need to win the event to earn this reward – only complete it. Just like standard Stampede matches, rewards will not be received if you exit before a round is over.
– Addition of Star Chips as an earnable reward in all Special Events
– Changes made to trackside billboards
Steam and Xbox Game Preview Patch – December 16, 2024
This small patch for Stampede: Racing Royale is our final update of 2024, addressing some minor points. Further and larger updates are in the works for 2025, and we’ll share more as soon as we can!
– Option to pause the game is now available in the player’s very first match in the game
– Decreased the slowdown effect of some off-track surfaces
– Visual changes made to some track-side posters and banners
– Fixed instances of crashes on Xbox connected to Party play and the Bonus XP feature
Steam and Xbox Game Preview Patch – November 21, 2024
This patch for Stampede: Racing Royale focuses on resolving community-reported topics to improve your experience. Future Stampede updates will include additional content and experiences, alongside even more improvements!
– Resolved issue causing a crash for Xbox players (PC or console) when trying to access the Friends menu
– Resolved issue causing some Challenges to not unlock correctly, including ‘Go For Broke’, ‘Master of Many’ and ‘Under The Hood’. Challenges will now retroactively track player progress, ensuring all Challenges can be completed
– With the Fire Walls round modifier live, the remaining player count on screen will now decrease correctly from 20
– Resolved issue causing the player’s finishing position to sometimes incorrectly show as 60th on the end-of-match results screen (this was a visual error that did not affect results or rewards)
– The ‘I Can See You’ Challenge will now track Heli-Bomb power-up strikes shot backwards, as well as forwards
– Fixed instances of incorrect lobby searching behaviour when the player is eliminated in Round 1, and/or selects the ‘Play Again’ button
– Resolved instances of Shop Bundle errors, and inconsistencies across platforms
– Fixes made to resolve issues when adjusting the game audio in the Options menu
Steam and Xbox Game Preview Hotfix – November 11, 2024
This minor hotfix on all platforms resolves an issue blocking the post-race rewards screen from appearing after a player’s first match, and adds additional localisation for multiple languages.
We’re continuing to work on more updates which will include fixes and changes based on community feedback since last week’s update. Thank you!
Steam and Xbox Game Preview Update – November 7, 2024
Our first significant update since launching on Steam, this update adds additional features to improve your experience, resolves community-reported bugs, and generally improves performance on all platforms.
Details of what else we’re working on can be found on our Trello board, and reports for anything else you want us to investigate can be sent to support@stampederacingroyale.com. Thank you!
– Steam Achievements added. Achievements that have been already completed by players will be awarded retroactively
– New round modifier added for selected tracks: ‘Fire Walls’. In the final round, if this modifier is randomly assigned, trails of fire will appear and move around the track. Avoid contact with the fire walls, or else you’ll be immediately eliminated!
– Fellow Party members now have an additional icon next to their name on the race leaderboard and hit feed
– Party Rewards Boost system added. Players in a Party now earn a % boost of rewards at the end of matches. The more players in your Party, the higher the % boost of rewards
– Kart Rewards Boost system added. Every 24 hours, each Kart in a player’s Garage hands out a % boost of rewards, in each of the first five rounds you race with that Kart. Switch between Karts to stack rewards each day
– Additional UI, messaging and guidance to show players how to unlock new Karts
– Added main menu graphics showing status of live Challenges
– Additional unique reward given to players upon unlocking the six featured Karts
– Additional music tracks added, as well as music dynamically changing over the course of a race
– Tweaks made to Kart behaviour and speed when moving across different surface types
– Further balancing of Karts’ performance
– Adjustments to the deployment and effectiveness of Boost
– Jelly Block power-up adjustments made. The power-up will appear on track for a shorter time, but is more effective at slowing other racers
– Increased speed of the Limpet Mine power-up when fired forwards
– ‘Homing Missile’ power-up now locks onto targets faster and deploys at a faster speed
– Improved lighting on ‘Pilchard Plaza’ track
– Further improvements and optimisations on Steam Deck
– Movement of the ‘lasers’ (the on-track hazards) has been adjusted and smoothened
– Players who use the ‘Auto Accelerate’ option can now utilise the ‘Rocket Start’ timing minigame at the start of races
– Fixed issues causing high GPU usage from the game when it is minimised, or the player is viewing another tab/program
– Further visual improvements to the ‘Stampede TV’ spectate mode
– Resolved rare instances of player progress not tracking correctly on ‘Hardhat Havoc’ track
– SFX added to transition screens during a match
– Resolved issue causing the Coins currency to appear in the main menu environment in rare cases
– Further fixes for username appearance above players during matches
– Updated UI on Kart Mastery trees to show the correct rarity for each item
– Fixed menu navigation issues after changing the game’s resolution
– Fixed instances of random characters being added to the end of account names for Steam players
– Fixed issues causing difficulties scrolling through Friend lists with a controller
Steam and Xbox Game Preview Update (October 21, 2024)
Our latest update for Stampede: Racing Royale includes more fixes for reported instances of crashes and soft locks, as well as further localisation improvements, gameplay improvements, and more.
We’re continuing to work on further additions and will keep you posted! If you experience anything you’d like our team to investigate, send all details to support@stampederacingroyale.com.
– Resolved issue causing some players to be more resistant to stun attacks than expected. This was caused by the relevant ‘stun resist’ perk not applying correctly; this is now working as intended
– Fixed made to address multiple cause of crashes on Xbox platforms
– Fixed issues causing soft locks in multiple scenarios, including when spamming buttons on the home screen
– Fixed rare instances of the VFX caused by the Jelly Block power-up persisting onto the main menu
– Resolved visual issue causing power-up boxes to overlap on Strike Circuit
– Further localisation additions for Simplified Chinese
– Korean language option added
– Updates to Italian localisation
Steam and Xbox Game Preview Update (October 16, 2024)
This minor update for Stampede: Racing Royale adds Simplified Chinese as an available language in-game, alongside a handful of small changes and improvements.
Additional updates are being prepared, addressing more player-reported requests and topics. A live change has already been made to reduce instances of connection errors during races, and we’re continuing with work to reduce instances of crashes and soft locks.
Check our Trello board of known issues to see what else we’re working on, and contact support@stampederacingroyale.com if there’s anything else you’d like our team to investigate. Thank you!
– Simplified Chinese now available to select as a language from the Settings
– Players eliminated during a Hard Mode race can now exit before the round finishes. Please note that exiting before the end of the round will mean a loss of rewards
– Fixed issue causing the master audio volume setting to always reset when starting up the game
– Various visual tweaks and improvements, including improved thumbnails and imagery for the Shop and other rewards
Steam Launch and Xbox Game Preview Update (October 10, 2024)
Alongside launching onto Steam, this Stampede: Racing Royale update will be available on all Xbox Game Preview platforms (Xbox Series X|S, Xbox PC app, Microsoft Store). This is our biggest expansion yet, with brand new features, experiences, and community-driven changes.
All platforms across Steam and Xbox will receive the same update, with cross-platform play enabled, meaning players can join lobbies across platforms, as well as use in-game Friend Codes to host and join parties together. PC players – please ensure your drivers and OS are fully updated before playing. Doing so reduces the potential of performance issues.
Join the conversation on Discord, and report anything you’d like our team to investigate by emailing support@stampederacingroyale.com. Thank you!
– Dave the Diver collaboration bundle available to all players for free, from the in-game Shop. Redeem the bundle to receive a new kart and begin unlocking new themed items
– Six new race maps added: Hardhat Havoc, Conveyor Craze, Wentworth Industries, Charging Cascades, Pilchard Plaza, Cliffside Chaos
– Daily Calendar feature added. All players will receive rewards on each new day that they play Stampede: Racing Royale for seven days, with the final reward on Day 7 being the new Road Roarer 250 kart
– Six new karts added, unlockable in different areas of the game:
– Road Roarer 250 (in the Daily Calendar)
– 3 karts unlockable from Challenges: Tenacious Truck, FrameLite Racer, Super Sprinter
– 2 karts in Kart Mastery trees: Rapid Racer (in the Super Sprinter tree), Dust Devourer (in the Tenacious Truck tree)
– Over 250 new customisation items added for karts and characters, unlockable through Challenges, Kart Mastery and other progression areas
– New Boost system and mechanics added. Boost is now accumulated through drifting, airtime and passively, with a Boost meter in the HUD for players to manually deploy
– One new power-up added: Jelly Block. Deploy this to make gelatinous cubes form on the track ahead, slowing down and blurring the vision of players
– Updates to Kart Mastery for every kart. Multiple perks are now included in each tree, as well as some new customisation items
– One new Special Event added to live rotation: ‘Wrapid’. Single-round event using the Hardhat Havoc map, with winners receiving an exclusive kart wrap
– ‘Hard Mode’ modifier can be randomly assigned to the final round in a match. If Hard Mode is on, players who are struck by on-track lasers or stomping blocks are immediately eliminated from a match
– Other round modifiers added: power-up boxes and boost pads can now move across the track, when certain modifiers are randomly selected
– End date for Season 0 is extended into 2025. Current Season Pass rewards and progression will not be changed during this time
– Overall gameplay speed increased
– Updates to handling for all karts, creating more noticeable differences in handling behaviour between kart types
– Fixed issue causing the Helibomb to not affect an opponent if they are near the attacking player
– Fix resolving rare instances of players finishing behind opponents despite having a faster total time, by hundredths or thousandths of a second
– Further improvements to AI player pathing and behaviour
– Improved functionality and views when using Spectate mode after elimination when in a Party
– Updated Season Tickets handouts to ensure players have enough Tickets to redeem all available Season Pass items, after reaching max level
– In-game purchases using real currency are disabled on all platforms. To ensure players can still progress through the current Season Pass, all players have received an additional 3,000 Star Chips to their account
– New and updated VFX for boost, drift, and slipstream
– New podium scene at the end of matches
– Updated UI and scenes at the end of matches, to clearly show a player’s rewards and progress
– Additional new UI, screens and SFX across the game to improve the overall experience
– ‘Crowns’ total figure now added. Crowns are earned through a player’s performance in Stampede matches. The higher players place, the more Crowns they can earn, but early eliminations can cause Crowns to be lost
– Hints will pop up for players during their first match, and possibly in later matches to help with using key features. Hints are delivered by Velicity and Trent – two new characters within the Stampede world
– Resolved very rare instances of assets from previously played maps appearing on a new map, caused by low internet connection
– More variations and depth to character animations
– Fixed instances of the Boost VFX persisting onto the main menu if a player exits a match
– Further additions and improvements for localised text
– Further fixes and text improvements to multiple Challenges
– General balancing and QOL improvements across the game
Xbox Game Preview – Live Update (all platforms, September 19, 2024)
This update reverted some of the experimental changes made in the previous update, meaning Stampede matches return to being 60-player, three-round matches, with lobby timer reduced. Players do not need to download an update for these changes to occur. Thank you to all players for your feedback on the experimental tweaks!
Xbox Game Preview – Experimental Update (all platforms, September 12, 2024)
This update for Stampede: Racing Royale on all Xbox Game Preview platforms includes significant, experimental changes to Stampede. As our team continue development, the performance and feedback to these changes will be assessed to decide if any of these changes are carried into future game updates.
Please share your feedback on our official Discord server, and for any issues you experience, please send an email with full details to support@stampederacingroyale.com. Thank you!
– Matches now consist of one round, instead of three
– Lobby size is now 20, instead of 60 Lobby timer is slightly increased, to allow more players to enter
– Removal of a small number of server regions, allowing players from more locations to join lobbies together
– Lap count of some tracks is reduced
– New players will instantly be able to matchmake with real players, instead of their first match being against AI drivers only
– Special Events are currently disabled
Xbox Game Preview Hotfix (all platforms, August 22, 2024)
This small hotfix for Stampede: Racing Royale on all platforms (Xbox Series X|S, Microsoft Store, Xbox PC app) resolves one topic: instances of the pink ‘new item’ notifications not functioning correctly on the main menu. The pink ‘pips’ should now only appear when you have unlocked a new item.
Xbox Game Preview Update (all platforms, August 8, 2024)
The latest update for Stampede: Racing Royale on Xbox Game Preview will roll out for all available platforms (Xbox Series X|S, Microsoft Store, Xbox PC app), addressing more player-reported topics.
Want us to investigate something else? Check our Trello board of known issues to see if we’re already working on it. If it’s not there, contact support@stampederacingroyale.com with as much info as possible. Thank you!
– New audio and graphics to signify a player’s elimination or qualification, immediately after finishing a race
– Resolved instances of full-head helmets and accessories overlapping or clipping
– Resolved issue causing HUD to be missing when racing at Rocky Valley in Round 3 of a standard match
– Fixed visual and UI errors when using a 3440×1440 resolution
– Re-added the animated tentacles to the Ship Wrecked map
– Fixed issues causing a small number of customisation items to have missing names
– Corrected visual error showing incorrect rewards for player after the first match
– Removed instances of the Super Bomb exploding upon deployment, rather than launching into the air
– Further improvements to AI kart behaviour
– Resolved instances of crashing when obtaining a Perk from Kart Mastery
– Further improvements to Party features and functionality, including fixes for rare soft locks and crashes whilst in a Party
– Removed rare instances of player Gamertag/account name being reverted to a different name
– Friend Codes adjusted to ensure no ambiguous characters can be included (such as O and 0)
– Additional localisation text improvements
– Corrected the amount of Season Tickets players receive, to ensure all standard Season Pass items are affordable once maximum Level is reached
– Minor visual, networking and gameplay improvements to improve overall experience
Xbox Game Preview Hotfix (all platforms, August 1, 2024)
This minor hotfix for Stampede: Racing Royale on Xbox Game Preview makes small gameplay changes to the opening matches to improve the first-time player experience, including AI difficulty and map selection.
To report anything you’ve experienced, contact support@stampederacingroyale.com and our team will investigate. Thank you! <3
Xbox Game Preview Hotfix (all platforms, July 25, 2024)
A new hotfix for Stampede: Racing Royale includes additional server regions to improve gameplay and connection quality for all players, alongside other changes to address community feedback.
Check out our Trello board of known hot topics to see what else we’re working on, and to report anything you’ve experienced, contact support@stampederacingroyale.com. Thank you! <3
– Additional server regions added to improve gameplay and connection quality for all players, including further support for South America, Australia, and Asia. All server regions are listed and can be selected from the in-game Settings
– Live changes made to remove instances of players being automatically assigned a server region with high ping
– Server and connection details are now visible during the matchmaking/lobby area
– Fixed issue causing white boxes and missing visuals on the Customise menu
– Fixed issue causing a red outline to sometimes appear around multiple options on the Customise menu
– Fixed issue causing a crash when some players attempt to obtain a Perk from Kart Mastery
– Resolved issue causing messages in the Inbox to overlap each other
– Resolved instances on PC of a persistent black screen after booting the game
– Resolved rare cases of crashes if a player loses internet connection whilst entering the game
– Minor changes made to text across the game to better inform players of key information
– Further visual, network and gameplay changes across the board to improve the overall experience
Xbox Game Preview Update (all platforms, July 18, 2024)
The first post-launch update for Season 0 and Xbox Game Preview includes fixes and tweaks for community-reported topics, and more general improvements. Check out our Trello board of known hot topics to see what else we’re working on, and to report anything you’ve experienced, contact support@stampederacingroyale.com. Thank you! <3
– Suggested Friends list now captures accounts of previous opponents and Party members
– Resolved issue of power-up boxes above ramps or jumps being invisible
– Removed instances of VFX from the Super Bomb power-up persisting after deployment
– XP rewards for Season Pass and Kart Mastery will now appear for new players after the first match
– Challenges: the ‘Just Getting Started’ and ‘All Gas, No Brakes’ Challenges now appear, track and unlock correctly
– Resolved instances of XP rewards appearing as an empty icon, when completing a Challenge.
– Multiple visual, audio, network, and gameplay tweaks across the game to further improve the overall experience
Xbox Game Preview (Series X|S, Windows PC) – July 11, 2024
Stampede: Racing Royale on Xbox Game Preview includes additions, improvements, and tweaks from our most recent playtests, driven by the feedback of our community! Below are the headline changes.
Stampede remains in development. We’ll continue to gather your feedback and are already preparing future updates. Thank you <3
– Number of different Special Event scenarios has increased to six, with a rotating schedule throughout the Season
– Battle and Zombie modes both feature in selected Special Events. Standard three-round matches will consist entirely of Races
– General kart and gameplay speed has been increased, following community feedback
– The optional tutorial is available from the main menu. A player’s first Stampede match will be a standard three-round event at beginner difficulty
– Various minor changes made to the delivery and amount of rewards across the game
– Minor adjustments made to Challenges and their rewards
– Rocket Start minigame added: At the start of Races, hit the gas as close to the green light as possible to get Nitro, and compare your reaction times to your friends!
– Resolved issues experienced by players when reaching the maximum Season Level
– Resolved visual issues and crash caused by unlocking the ‘Kaboom’ avatar
– Fixed issues causing multiple Challenges to not track and unlock correctly
– Resolved instances of karts unlocking at incorrect times during progression through Kart Mastery
– Changes made to server behaviour to improve connection quality for all players
– Fixed issue causing the ‘Diffuser’ Kart Mastery perk to not operate correctly and slipstream/drafting to not operate as expected
– Improvements and additions to VFX, SFX visuals, translations, and general QOL across the board
Note: We’re aware of rare instances of a ‘Connection failed’ notification appearing when a player attempts to start a match and working on a complete fix. In the meantime, players can navigate the issue by adjusting their Server Region in Settings.